Wish me luck…


For the first time, I’m taking part in a remarkable project called February Album Writing Month (FAWM). It’s a songwriting challenge which originated with a handful of songwriters in Madison, Wisconsin, but has expanded to over 1,000 songwriters in the US and internationally.

The idea is this: In the shortest month of the year, you’re challenged to write 14 songs in 28 days. Well, this is a leap year, so it’s 14 1/2 in 29 days. (The “half” is supposed to be a collaboration.) There are “assignments” intended to get the motor running, and participants upload recordings of their songs to the website to be cheered on by other FAWMers and fans.

I’m somewhat terrified by the prospect of this, since I’m a writer who is constantly self-editing, second-guessing, and sheltering his fledgling tunes. And honestly, maybe I shouldn’t be calling your attention to these half-baked creations that may never make it to CD or performance.

But I’m hoping that COMPLETING all 14 1/2 of these songs will help spur on more prolific songwriting, and help flex the creative muscles. And if I get the seeds of two or three “good” songs, it’ll be worth it!

And if you all know about this, and listen, and cheer me on, I have the greatest possible chance of being successful!

So, PLEASE, check out my profile at FAWM.org, bookmark it, listen to some songs, and email me some encouragement!

I’m going to need it!

Thanks (or curses) to Aaron Nathans and Ryan Dubois, who each mentioned this challenge to me.


Come to this Show! (Please.)

Ben and Jerrys Poster

It’s a GREAT cause! It supports the West Rutland School music department (where I teach!) and will help pay for all the things we need for our Spring Musical. It’s free, but purchase of ice cream and beverages gives money to the kids!

Lots of special guests, including Gary Moon, Bob Hammond, and Kate Bresett!

New Song…

I just posted a new song here, and on my MySpace… Let me know what you think.

It’s about WQRZ-LP, a independent radio station which became the area’s sole source of information during Hurricane Katrina. I consider the station’s manager, Brice Phillips, to be a hero.

It’s on the MUSIC page.

WQRZ Poster